I know it's a bit early, but Christmas is the next holiday after all! Anyway, I got this in an email, dude this is really cool. Apparently, this guy decorated his house with Christmas lights and synchronized them with this really addicting music! Anyway, this is really awesome, and I already sent this to a lot of my friends, well I hope you guys like it as much as I did!
Gerry Dragan (yes, that's my real last name).
One of my good friends, Joshi, drew this pic for me a long time ago. I still love it!
Oh my god. TRIPLE BONUS MULTIPLIER ! ! That was amazing, hahah! I can't begin to know how one would go about setting that up, let alone timing it all so well, hahah! That person has electronics skills that match MechaKoopa's programming skills, hehe. I was particularily fond of the star/tree.
Edit: I dumped the song from this video to an .mp3 file, if anyone wants it, just say so, heheh. I always dump the songs I like from these weird things, like the song from that Michael Jackson vs. NES flash, hehe.
Last Edit: Nov 26, 2005 2:38:57 GMT -5 by Graedius
Funny that I've seen that video just earlier today before this was posted. But yeah, that's pretty amazing XD. I'm surprised those bulbs can keep up with the constant flickering.
Hahahahaha... wow that is amazing. How could they do something so complicated? It must have taken forever to perfect. That is insanely amazingly awesome! I want that!
woahaha! WHAAAT!!!! OMG! Dat's a completely fantastic, brilliant, PEERLESS lightshowzzie that i eva' seen XDDD. I really admire how the light technicianz have practiced on this, really.
If this was a place therrré they had a disconight zo would it b an unforgettableplace moment indeed Despite the loss of my lower jaw I still enjoy a high standard of living.
Rädd för att säga de här men, den tid som hinner att framträda, kommer ja någon gång att dö i förtid.
Ser därför redan fram emot nästa liv, om det nu finns ==;
THAT.... WAS.... SO... PWNSOME! HECK YES! I love that video. Blinx showed it to me a couple days ago, I asked her for it again yesterday, and now I'm listening to it right now TRIPLE BONUS MULTIPLIER ! ! Like, whoazors. It's so amazing! How can anyone time all that so perfectly, AND set it up just like that!? They must've had some sort of help.... ._.;;
Next door neighbors: TURN THOSE FRICKIN' LIGHTS OFF! Oh, that's it, call the police. XD! That'd be me. I WOULD get pissed, Blinx. Very. TRIPLE BONUS MULTIPLIER ! !