This now needs updating.
It's my pleasure to announce the network has recently made it out of the pending networks lists of the Gogloom IRC Search Engine and is now fully listed. You can join the chat by using the links on Gogloom and chat via your web browser.
Because the network is now listed in a search engine, people from other networks, and looking to start out alike, will see the network when searching for keywords of topic names that appear on the various channels on the network. You can see the network's listing and join the chat
here. Remember, if you're going to join, the chatroom you need to join is 'yc'. Or, to make things easier, click "Chat now!" at the bottom of
this page!
Edit: Click here to go straight there:
IRC Hints! (copy/pasted from another post I did somewhere else)
So people enjoy the chatroom. The chatroom is powered by an IRC server so I figure I should run through a few commands, and introduce the main IRC clients that can alert you each time your name is mentioned when you're doing something else, clicking a link doesn't make your IRC session end to goto that page (Doesn't in FireFox, IE fts), and allows you to send files to people too. Yup, IRC acts, just like MSN, AIM and other messenger networks. The people online in the service, is your contact list, but instead of clicking options in MSN, AIM or Yahate, you have to type in commands, because IRC is driven by commands.
Changing, registering and identifying your nick:
/nick yourusername - Changes your nick. Don't use spaces or full stops. Only use _ or - to indicate a space. If your nick didn't get changed, check the "Status" tab to see why.
/nickserv register password emailaddress - Registers your nick. This prevents others from taking and registering your nic for their own evildoings. You MUST be using the nick you intend to use on the IRC server when you use this command.
The woe of identifying. When you change your nick to one thats registered (ie, yours, if you registered it), the server will immediately tell you by chiming out:
-NickServ- This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your
-NickServ- nick, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password. Otherwise,
-NickServ- please choose a different nick.
-NickServ- If you do not change within 20 seconds, I will change your nick.
At this point, you have 20 seconds to type in
/nickserv identify password replacing password with the one you entered when you registered your nick. When you have successfully identified yourself to the server, it'll tell you by saying "-NickServ- Password accepted - you are now recognized.".
/msg before nickserv is optional as I have set aliases up on the server. Just typing
/nickserv will do the same thing.
If you wish to get help on using
nickserv, you can type
/nickserv help and the server will send a block of help text to you. For help on sub commands, type
/nickserv help [subcommand] and the server will send you the help file for that subcommand.
Bahamut - The bot.
Bahamut is the channel bot. It simplifies the administrators job of administering the room.
Usermodes and Channel modes.
This confuses a lot of people, but once you've grasped the concept you'll understand. A
usermode tells people what they can and cannot do in the chat room. Symbols that appear next to a user's name in an IRC chat room tell everyone what position they have in the room. I'll describe what 'voice', 'halfop', 'chanop', 'chanadmin' and 'IRCop' first.
Voice - +vThis usermode allows a user to send messages to the channel. Only takes effect if channel mode +m (Moderated) is on.
Halfop - +hThis usermode gives the user ability to kick people out of the room that are below them and are being troublesome.
Chanop/Chanowner - +oThis usermode gives the user the ability to kick, kickban, change topic, alter access levels and alter channel modes.
Chanadmin - +aThis usermode gives the user all +o powers plus restrictions are removed, and are immune to being kicked themselves, unless a IRCop is in the room. A Chanadmin can also invite bots into the room (depending on certain server configurations).
IRCop - +qThis usermode grants a user all of the above powers plus the ability to:
--Kill(akill) a user from the network.
--Killban(GZLine) a user from the network.
--Shun a user from the network.
--Forcefully join users into other channels.
--Forcefully change someone's nick.
--List all users on the network.
--!op, !protect and !owner in any room to give themselves their powers in ANY room.
Plus a whole bunch of others. There are 2 people on the IRC network that have these powers. Myself, and EIHoppe. We are the network's IRCop's, so if you have any trouble with anyone,
/join #services and speak to us there.
Channel modes.Channel modes control what rooms do. You'll notice at the end of the topic of a channel the letters (+ntr) in most rooms. These are channel modes.
Moderated - +mModerated rooms are controlled. When a user joins a channel they join without +v in their usermodes, meaning that they won't be able to send messages to the channel. This prevents people from entering a channel and advertising, for example. For a user to be able to send messages to the channel, they must be
Voiced[/b](Usermode +v).
Registered - +rThis means the channel has been registered, meaning that anyone who goes into the room while it's empty won't automatically be granted chanop privileges.
No External Messages - +nThis prevents people who aren't even in the channel from sending messages to it.
Topic Protection - +tWhen the channel becomes 'empty', usually, it'll drop the topic. With +t on, this won't happen.
Secret - +sThis prevents the channel from being listed on
/list. All users who own mature channels or have members who swear a lot are asked to have this mode added to their channel, or are forced to have it when I or EI discover what goes on in there.
Private - +pPrivate channels don't appear on
/list. If you join a +p room, you will automatically be kickbanned by chanserv, or the bot if there's one in there. Useful if you want a private conversation between a few people, for example, staff.
Invite Only - +iSame as +p, except halfops, chanops and up can invite people into the room by typing
/invite [nick] [channel]. Then, and only then will someone be allowed to join the channel.
There are many other modes, but those are the most important.
The symbols next to usernames (Only with certain clients, including the Java client).
These tell users what privileges they have in the room, and appear next to their name.
no symbol - no usermodes. Basically, new to the channel.
+ - Voiced (+v).
% - Halfop (+h).
@ - Chanop (+o).
& - Chanadmin (+a).
~ - IRCop (+q).
IRC ClientsThere are many IRC clients out there. Some people use the Java clients, however, they are very limited, so programs were made that allowed users to do more, such as send the name of the song that is playing to the channel, have your own bot in the channel or apply bolding and colours, etc...
I use
X-Chat. This is a very full featured client, and is also free. Configuring it is simple. In the 'Server list' window, add a new server, and give it a name. would be suitable. Once done, click "Edit". In the box at the top, enter the server name. In this case, or, Both point to the same server.
Here's where the magic resides. Registered your nick and fed up of having to manually identify yourself? Well, have your client do it for you. Enter your nickserv password into the "Nickserv password" box. You can also set yourself up to join certain channels as you log in too. A good selection for TYFN would be #lobby and #tyfn. #lobby is the servers official lobby channel in which both IRCop's reside, along with a bunch of other people from other channels. If you wish to autojoin to both of these, in the "Join" box, type
Click ok. Back in the server list box, at the top, in the three boxes, type your nick. In the second and third, you may want to add a _ to the end. In the "username" box, type either your name, or your nick. In the Real name box, type either your name or your nick. Doesn't matter. This information will be available to those whi
/whois you to find out what channels you're in, how long you've been connected, etc...
Once done, click "Connect" and you're away.
Others also use
mIRC but I don't, so if anyone does, feel free to give instructions.
There are many many other things on the service, but if there's something you want to know, just ask in #lobby or #services.