Ah, I was talking to a couple of friends about Infinium lab's Phantom a year ago and he say's it's gonna be a patetic attempt at entering the gaming franchise.
I've just looked at it again after a good few months and it's changed from what it was before. It used to be bulky and quite ugly. Now, it resemble's the new design NetGear Wireless Lan stuff. Grey, Sleek, and really nice.
The Phantom's Features (Directly off their site):
* Non-proprietary development platform (Windows
LEVEL UP ! !® Embedded ) - Does not require developers and publishers to incur any additional development costs
Does this mean my console is gonna start bluescreening me? By the way, what it means by 'Embedded' is that it's built into the hardware instead of being installed on a physical disk making starting times virtually instant.
* Powerful digital rights management (DRM) solution that ensures seamless delivery of digital content to consumers while protecting against piracy
Is it iTunes MP4 Compatible? DRM is only used when downloading a song legally from a provider such as MSN Music club or iTunes.
* Try, rent or buy games on demand
Sony had a similar idea... It fell through...
* Broad range of titles appealing to the entire family
Depending on the developers willing to develop for it, mind you, if it's running
LEVEL UP ! !, it'll run any PC game. The first console to lag because the graphics are too good.
* Personalized user experience: multiple user profiles and parental control features
Kinda come's standard with Windows
LEVEL UP ! ! really...
* State of the art design and technology
Is that a feature?
* Multi-tiered subscription service that meets the needs of casual, moderate and hardcore game players
Like the other consoles then...
Yeah right...
Whoa, that's Unreal Tournament 2004! Atari have changed sides, only bad for Sony...
AAHA HA HA! One controller port!
Technical Spec's (Again, directly from the Infinium Lab's site):
* AMD® Athlon™
LEVEL UP ! ! 2500+ central processing unit (CPU)
* NVIDIA® GeForce™ FX 5700 Ultra graphics processing unit (GPU)
* NVIDIA nForce™2 Ultra 400 platform processor
* 256 MB RAM
* 40 GB local content cache
* Microsoft Windows
LEVEL UP ! !® Embedded Operating System
* Dynamic, personalized user interfaces customizable for age, gender or technical expertise
* Lapboard, mouse and game pad included
* HDTV and Dolby® Digital 5.1 compatible
* Works with any consumer-standard broadband Internet Service Provider (ISP): DSL or faster
It won't work on Dial-up then?
Bah, it's too good to be good but if it's gonna have Unreal 2004 for it, i'll be getting it but I seriously doubt it that Nintendo have to worry. This console is aimed at the really high end Hardcore gamers that have too much money to waste. (Like me, Although, I still like to play on the Mario and Yoshi games, alot more... I''ve had Unreal 2004 for a month now and I haven't played it in a few weeks...)