Post by Yoshee&Champ on Apr 10, 2005 20:34:22 GMT -5
"But we don't have plasma weapons. We have had no reason to really make them." I said.
Post by red.yoshi on Apr 11, 2005 19:14:02 GMT -5
red.yoshi: we are running out of time very quickly.
red.yoshi started casting almost useless protection spells on himself.
Post by Yoshee&Champ on Apr 11, 2005 21:09:32 GMT -5
"Wait... this might help." I said. I poked Kara. Then, I showed my finger to Red. "See? Once the metal engulfs something, it doesn't spread anymore. Only if it's a shapeless blob will it hurt you."
Post by Kara Yoshi on Apr 12, 2005 0:13:34 GMT -5
kara doesnt move as shes poked but speaks up "Unit kara can be equiped with plasma weaponry, information shows prototype weapon still funchinal on 13th floor in weapoons lab. Unit kara has security clerence to get to lab but needs other unit to make modyfacations to this unit for use of weapon
Post by Yoshee&Champ on Apr 12, 2005 9:32:13 GMT -5
"Kamek..." I said. He was another 'unit' that sometomes thought properly. "Go ahead, Kara. We'll be right here." I said.
Post by Kara Yoshi on Apr 12, 2005 9:40:10 GMT -5
Specifyed uniot doe not have clerence, will need unit from group to mody unit for woaponry (she wonts someone to go with her)
Post by Yoshee&Champ on Apr 12, 2005 9:41:37 GMT -5
"I'll go with you." I said. Maybe we'd find something.
Post by Kara Yoshi on Apr 12, 2005 10:49:55 GMT -5
COnfermed, owner Yoshee wil go with unit. It is not safe for owner to go in on foot, sugest owener ride in uinit kara.
Post by red.yoshi on Apr 12, 2005 15:50:11 GMT -5
red.yoshi: ill come too.
red.yoshi makes a shield protection around the trio.
Post by Kara Yoshi on Apr 12, 2005 16:05:04 GMT -5
Unit is only made to cary one. unit is unable to carry other
Post by red.yoshi on Apr 12, 2005 16:22:59 GMT -5
red.yoshi: oh ok...
red.yoshi bows his head, and walks out of the shield like its a bubble.
red.yoshi: you to go then, ill stay here with teo.
Post by Yoshee&Champ on Apr 12, 2005 19:49:23 GMT -5
I jumped on to Kara's back, ready to go into the freakish castle again. But, now that Kara was with us, it should be a little safer. "See ya guys later!" I said.
Post by red.yoshi on Apr 12, 2005 19:58:40 GMT -5
red.yoshi finds teo asleep outside.
red.yoshi: cya teo
red.yoshi enters the castle by himself, and wonders through the endless hallways of metal. he adventually finds himself lost but he dosent care. this is the whole fun of it. he just stops, and sits and rests in one hallway.
Post by Kara Yoshi on Apr 12, 2005 20:09:35 GMT -5
Kara walks off into the castle with yoshee on her back, she can't move very fast but the metal doesnt seem to be bothering them, kara keeps walking and knows wvactly where to go in the maze of catle and doors. some time later they aroive at the weapons lab. thwere no metal at all or anything out ofg the ordinaly. she steps up to a comclose and she plushes a hand in a slot and the teminal beeps as she acsesses it. the sound of a door unlocking can be herd. soon afreter she releses the temanal and walks over to the door and opens it, a weapon can be seen in it, it looks rather heavy. "Plasma weapon is fully charged, Unit kara must go offline for instalation of weapon. Does owner yoshee need asistence before giving unit shutdown comand?
Post by Yoshee&Champ on Apr 12, 2005 20:16:06 GMT -5
"Nah, I'm okay." I said to Kara. "You can shut down." I sat down and waited for Kara to reboot or whatever. I twiddled my thumbs, then looked around to see if anyone was around. My eyes flashed as I bent over and pulled a Gameboy out of my saddle. "Only for real emergencies," I said to myself. I hadn't needed this old thing for years. I wondered if it still worked... I flipped the power on. The screen lit up and went, "Da-ding!" "Yes," I muttered, and began playing my game, 'Yoshi'.
Post by Kara Yoshi on Apr 12, 2005 20:27:01 GMT -5
kara layed doesn and shut down , her eyes went blak and was off, as time passed nothing happed, the weapon sat there and and kara layed there like a statue. (your suposed to install it on her, it isnt goiung to install itself) =}
Post by Yoshee&Champ on Apr 12, 2005 20:32:43 GMT -5
I noticed Kara wasn't doing anything... I shut off the Gameboy and put it back under my saddle. I looked Kara over and said, "Hmm... I wonder where this Plasma thingy goes..." I saw a little notch where the Plasma gun could probably fit. I pulled the heavy machinery through the door with some difficulty and set it in the notch. I studied it hard, and realized I'd have to open the notch in order to plug the weapon in. "Ugh..." I groaned, and lifted the gun again. Then, I pried open the notch and saw a bunch of wires. They looked as if they were color-coded. I examined the Plasma weapon and saw a red wire. There was a red wire in Kara, too. I tried plugging it together. The Plasma weapon looked set on enough. I closed the notch and stood back to admire my work.
Post by Kara Yoshi on Apr 12, 2005 20:41:10 GMT -5
kara doesnt move and do anything, once you removed the saddle and plueged in the weapon nothing happend for a few minited untill her eyes suddly lit up again "New hardware found, downloading information." a few minites go by "download compleate, installing new software to operate hardware" another fdew minites go byt and she stands up like the large gun was relly light "All updates compleate, plasma gun at full charge, awaiting comands"
Post by Yoshee&Champ on Apr 12, 2005 20:48:19 GMT -5
"Cool. Umm... Kara, are you all right?" I asked.
Post by Kara Yoshi on Apr 12, 2005 21:12:07 GMT -5
Unit kara is fully operational, All systems have been upgraded to newst verssion. Unit is combat ready and awates orders.