Post by bloodoftheyoshi on Mar 27, 2005 12:54:01 GMT -5
we've set up some sentries with snipers along the castle walls, if you are in trouble they will open fire.
Post by Teo on Mar 27, 2005 13:23:53 GMT -5
"No problem, this place has been shut tight. until enemy units can cause some kind of massif earthquake or happens to fire a bazooka at the trap door, no way they'll find OR open these doors! I'm trained as a sniper myself. But these days, I snipe with magic." I looked over at a ready sniper rifle. I could combine magic and machine. That would make a combonation like no other...
Post by bloodoftheyoshi on Mar 27, 2005 14:25:56 GMT -5
Meanwhile Bowser had been barking at his soldiers for no particular reason "Hey! no seconds on breakfast! put that back you theif!" Bowser screeched. Kamek who had served Bowser at a young age knew how to treat his moods "Lord please calm down you're rasping your voice and ruining your fire breath." Bowser sighed and said " fine, Kamek how many soldiers did we come here with?" " 1000 my lord" Kamek said "and how many troops do we have left?" " we have 452 soldiers left " Kamek replied "I thought so, Kamek, numbers aint gonna do it no more. we need skill , strategy. if we stay out here they'll shoot us off one by one. Kamek you are more clever than I, I am putting you in charge of this army but hear me Magikoopa.....! I...WANT......VICTORY!!! Kamek shivered then said, "of course my lord. i already have a plan."
Post by Teo on Mar 27, 2005 15:03:55 GMT -5
The trap door was actually an old mine. It still bore ores. The five soldiers sent to work, minning the ore. They aquired iron, iron, and more iron. They also got some other materials. But not much was useful. Mostly the iron. There was an old furnace like thing behind them where you put the ore in the over a lot of little holes and the hole would generate heat to melt the ore into bullets right there. They would be waaaaay too hot though. So they were left to cool after the heat was turned off. More bullets...but I don't think it'll be enough. We only have 20 shots worth right now and the 50 new, unready bullets. The bullets would cool in about an hour. We couldn't make a better furnace...otherwise we'd have a huge 5000 bullet supply.
There was nothing to do, so the soldiers just tried to fiddle with their thumbs, or actually trying to find things in the mine. There wouldn't be anything, since it was made, there have been several machines that have inspected for precious stones and failed. What is it that kept their hopes up I didn't realize. I readied the rifle. It would work fine, it hadn't suffered any damage at all since it was made. So we waited.
Post by bloodoftheyoshi on Mar 27, 2005 15:25:41 GMT -5
the orchard behind the castle was the source of food for all castle residents. Kamek sneaked quietly along the west castle wall and hopped on his broomstick, Kamek flew over the tall stone wall protecting the orchard "ha just as i thought! no sentries!"Kamek said to himself as he took out his wand he created an unbreakable magical barrier to block the door leading to the orchard "Ha! Ha!Ha! no more food for them !" Kamek hopped on his broom and flew back to his camp
Post by Teo on Mar 27, 2005 15:49:38 GMT -5
We were still waiting. We had no radar...but I thought I heard a 'wooooooo' so I grabbeed the sniper and slightly opened the trap. Kamek was flying! I looked through the scope and aimed for his broom's middle when he was over the castle. I fired and the bullet snapped the broom like a twig and kamek was flying strangely with his half broom into the castle tower. 19 bullets left, 50 unreadied ones.
Post by Yoshee&Champ on Mar 27, 2005 20:30:37 GMT -5
I heard Blood call my name, so I ean over to him. "Yessir?" I asked. I noticed something on half a broom flying behind him, and shouted "What is that?!"
Post by bloodoftheyoshi on Mar 27, 2005 20:59:35 GMT -5
Blood had a feeling something bad had happened but he didnt know what." probably just a bird," Blood said "but i need you to do something okay? take this team ive constructed for you and lay a small brushfire to those woods Bowsers troops are hiding in. be very quiet, and do not shoot anyone, only use your dagger. if you can do this, we may be able to snipe a few of Bowsers troops while they are sleeping. oh about your team if they do anything not.... to your liking do not tell them to stop. they have their own methods" can you do it?
Post by Teo on Mar 27, 2005 21:17:10 GMT -5
We waited in the little trap door, snipers are used to waiting hours and days for an attack. Then I heard something... I opened the trap a bit, and found it was night. I saw a figure and a few others behind it. Yoshi's, nothing to worry, I could tell by scent. I closed the trap and went to the other officer in charge of surveying the new bullets. They were almost ready. They had cooled, but they needed a minute to harden. We waited some more, soon I dozed into a nap.
Post by bloodoftheyoshi on Mar 27, 2005 21:31:15 GMT -5
Yoshee stealthily led her group out onto the prairie and onto Bowsers camp. Yoshee tried to light a match, while the other yoshis crowded around the sleeping koopas. Yoshee looked up and saw that the other yoshis were killing the koopas in their sleep! (so thats what Blood meant by unusual methods!) as appalled as she was she could not stop them,and succesfully lit her match. Yoshee laid some brush on the ground and lit it on fire. Yoshee signaled her team members to come back and ran SMACK right into Kamek himself, Yoshee did not recognize who she had run into, Kamek was stunned, so thinking quickly Yoshee stabbed him in the temple before he could scream. Yoshee grinned with the thrill, and dashed back to the castle followed by her team. leaving behind the lifeless body of Kamek.
Post by Teo on Mar 28, 2005 21:38:51 GMT -5
I had heard something move! To quick to be the party that had come. I grabbed the sniper and peered out the trap. Sure enough, there were 5 people heading to the castle. Scouts! I grabbed the sniper and aimed carefully. I fired one in the leg, reloaded, one bullet scraped one's shoulder, I reloaded fast, and meaning to neutralize another, I fired and the bullet sank into his back and I saw it drop the other end. I closed the trap. 16 shots left, but I was limited to 4 more until the new ones, which were almost ready, came along.
Post by Yoshee&Champ on Mar 28, 2005 22:22:59 GMT -5
Ahhh! What had I done!? I didn't mean to stab and kill anyone, he just surprised me... I just hoped it was a doll or something. I DO NOT KILL! I fleed back up to the castle walls, trying to run away from the horror behind me... I could hit and knock out for sure, but not just kill... outright.
Post by Teo on Mar 28, 2005 22:56:55 GMT -5
One last figure I heard...maybe I had missed the leader of the scouts. I opened the trap and fired the shot that brought him down just as he and another reached the castle. The bullet hit through one which had a 'clink' sound and a spark. "A saddle?" Oh dear! Those were yoshi's I fired at! i would be ranked down for sure. I closed the trap and waited...
Post by bloodoftheyoshi on Mar 28, 2005 23:28:04 GMT -5
Yoshee returned to the castle crying " what did i do?" she said to herself "What's wrong soldier?"general Blood said "I killed someone" Yoshee answered "is that all?" Blood laughed " listen kid this is the Yoshi Patrol! if you're going to be an officer, you have to toughen up i'll bet that whoever you killed was not afraid to fight back! those koopas are COLD BLOODED MURDERERS! and they deserve to die! look at them! i bet not ONE of them has bathed in weeks! listen missy! Iv'e been nice to you all these years, but i expect you to kill out there! 
Post by Teo on Mar 28, 2005 23:59:24 GMT -5
I heard the news, I had shot Yoshee's party through the walkie-talkie. Only one made it unharmed. Snipers don't hit individuals, only important units. I only had three shots. When the news came. Another soldier handed me 18 sniper bullets. They were finally ready. I loaded them in a case. Set. I would have issues later though...
Post by bloodoftheyoshi on Mar 29, 2005 0:09:04 GMT -5
Yoshee sat down and tried to pull herself together While Blood communicated with Teo Blood used his scary voice this time, Teo had heard this voice before, and was petrified of it, now he would get it. "YoU KnOw TeO SnIpEr WoUnDs ArE VeRy HaRd To TrEaT..." Blood said eerily, Teo gulped as he awaited Bloods next comment . "now listen pal i want you to do something for me, will you?" Teo could not refuse"y-y-yessir?" "crawl out of your frickin' hole and get to the castle, I'm making an example of you! i dont care if you get shot, but come over here! and leave your teamates there!OVER!
Post by Teo on Mar 29, 2005 0:25:51 GMT -5
"Pffff, I'll be back..." I teleported to the castle, waiting for Bloods rage to fall on me. "Here's the doctor, now what's the matter? Sniper wound are as easy to treat as any bullet wound, some easier since they must endure such range before hitting." But they were made to kill.
Post by bloodoftheyoshi on Mar 29, 2005 0:31:46 GMT -5
Teo trembled and exited his hideout, knowing that punishment awaited him soon. Teo opened the castle door just a crack to see Bloods peircing eyes before him.
"Come in Teo" Teo calmed a bit, perhaps Blood would not punish him after all "Teo i did not tell you to run outside to that hole, but i did not stop you because I thought you knew what you were doing" Blood paused for a moment and said- "you know what i see in you Teo? a young warrior- fearless,strong,stupid, and foolish!"
" have we four responsible soldiers injured because of you!"
"Yoshee i brought you here to see what happens to people who are weak, and do not follow orders"
Teo was knocked to the floor as Blood hit him squarely with an uppercut to the jaw.
"Yoshee i do not hit girls, but i will have one of my female boxers beat you to a pulp if you hesitate to kill one of those koopas again!"
Teo was bleeding severly at the lip but he did not argue, he stayed on the floor trembling with fear. "Teo i will give you a warning this time, but if you pull this crap again i'll chain you to a pole and beat you til you are bloody as I! AND i will strip you of your officer status! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!
Post by Yoshee&Champ on Mar 29, 2005 21:57:41 GMT -5
"Y-Yessir..." I said. I didn't know what was going through his head, but he must be VERY angry. I would have to toughen up. Those Koopas wouldn't hesitate to kill me, so I should be quicker. I hardened the look on my face, ready to fight again.
Post by bloodoftheyoshi on Mar 29, 2005 22:19:06 GMT -5
"Good now. its late you should go to sleep you had a long night being shot at and all" Blood walked up the castle steps and walked into his bedroom...