Post by anjilfan on Nov 3, 2005 10:35:16 GMT -5
The ssbr is gonna be so cool!Can't wait for it!!!
Post by sui on Nov 3, 2005 11:23:02 GMT -5
Like Nintendo DS, um? But anyway, don't forget Nintendo Revolution actually revealed at E3 2005, which was in May. That's one thing Nintendo hadn't shown the controller till TGS 2005 -- for public eyes, but that doesn't mean that developers hadn't seen the contoller before the show (or at least the technology).
Plus, Xbox360 was revealed and got its current name in the end of April - you know, among the frames of that MTV show (what was a horrible commercial crap, in my opinion).
Conclusion: everything is possible!! *gasps*
Nintendo said the Revo dev-kits will be very similar to GC dev-kits. Ergo developers can develop the early Revo games on GC dev-kits. Um... I suppose.
So anyway, I don't see anything impossible in a May/June launch.
Yeah, Xbox is really a big... nothing in Japan :) Here is the weekly sales from August, with a half-year summary:
* Nintendo DS: 43,665 [Annual: 1,278,945] * PlayStation 2: 34,057 [Annual: 1,252,348] * PlayStation Portable: 20,571 [Annual: 1,101,131] * Game Boy Advance SP: 12,107 [Annual: 446,657] * GameCube: 4,445 [Annual: 140,586] * Game Boy Advance: 419 [Annual: 15,689] * Xbox: 228 [Annual: 9,382]
Yup, even the ol' GameBoy Advance almost doubled onto the Xbox. Pure fun.
Post by Bry on Nov 3, 2005 16:17:38 GMT -5
A handheld cannot be compared to a full size home console... Developers were only shown the controller a couple of weeks at most before the show, and that was pretty much for the purpose of getting some soundbytes from them for during the promo video. I know it was revealed at E3 2005.
The GCN was revealed in the summer of 2000 at Nintendo's Spaceworld 2000 show and wasn't released until 11 months later for Japan, 13 months later for the US and didn't hit Europe until May 2002 (nearly 2 years after the console was revealed).
Post by sui on Nov 3, 2005 17:59:16 GMT -5
A handheld cannot be compared to a full size home console... Developers were only shown the controller a couple of weeks at most before the show, and that was pretty much for the purpose of getting some soundbytes from them for during the promo video. I know it was revealed at E3 2005. The GCN was revealed in the summer of 2000 at Nintendo's Spaceworld 2000 show and wasn't released until 11 months later for Japan, 13 months later for the US and didn't hit Europe until May 2002 (nearly 2 years after the console was revealed). Heh, okay, that's not worth to argue on this, 'cause it will be released sooner or later anyway. ;P I just know Nintendo can take over a way bigger piece of the whole market if they manage to release the console before Sony does it with PS3, and it will be cheap enough.
Post by Yoshiken on Nov 3, 2005 18:28:28 GMT -5
I totally cant wait for the PS3 to come out XD. That will be so freakin awesome
Post by anjilfan on Nov 3, 2005 21:56:50 GMT -5
Yea...but scince it's comming out bfor the revo....i hope the games will be good.....
Post by Shoe on Nov 5, 2005 0:15:25 GMT -5
I cant stand teh revo's controler...im sorry but its just...scary...
Post by Lazo on Nov 5, 2005 0:39:17 GMT -5
I am very excited about the controller of the Revolution. It brings a whole new level of interactivity for video games. You get to swing the controller around, point it at things and shoot. It has the crosspad, too. You have your D-pad, your gun, your sword and your fishing pole in one hand. ...Now there's an idea: Skateboard Bass Fishing! Get me Nintendo's phone number...
Plus, you get to hold it and say cheesy stuff like "Now listen up! This... is my BOOMSTICK!"
Post by Koshizu on Nov 5, 2005 7:11:33 GMT -5
I would guesstimate its coming out spring/summer 2006. And whut Koshi says goes, 'cuz I can lyke...see into teh future...and stuff. :[ I hope it comes around the same time as GC did...that was three days before my birthday! It was awesome playing Super Monkey Ball for the first time. Sure you can compare a handheld to a home console...its like comparing a duck to a tortoise, because they both have beaks. Besides, the point was that lil' Gameboy Advance is more popular that Xbox. And thats funny. Damn, Big Bass Fishing! I remember playing that on my bro's DC, with the windup controller thing....I can imagine it now - 'Hey, sup?' 'I'm fishing.' '...with the what now?' 'Gone fishin'. WOAH LOOKIT THE SIZE OF THAT' I just hope that every single game isn't you know...gimmick induced...because I really would not have the stamina to be flailing my arms about like a disgruntled monkey everytime I wanted to play a game. #Come on you Re-vo-luuu-shun! D:
Post by anjilfan on Nov 5, 2005 11:24:22 GMT -5
Hvae you seen the controler for the Revo?It's wierd.