Post by PinkFloydYoshi on Jun 2, 2006 9:43:02 GMT -5
Ok, critisism and advice needed. img211.imageshack.us/img211/8007/scan37ag.jpgIf someone can tell me if there's a way to colour this without having to redraw it in Photoshop, and thicken up the lines, please tell me. "Load selection" doesn't load the entire outline so I can apply styles. :/ General comments are cool too. This is to be used for the last.fm Yoshi group avatar, which I thought I'd actually make the effort to do. Thanks in advance.
Post by contention on Jun 2, 2006 9:58:07 GMT -5
Ah ha! So this is what you were speaking about so much yesterday Pinky. Definetly man, talk about it looking great. You were right when you said you thought this picture was one of your better ones. They always look great, but you definetly brought this one out. One has to love that little pose and the way you attacked the outline. There is not much one can really place to you on how to color it in. Yet, as for now the whole body itself seems to miss any troubles, there doesn't seem to be any faults about on your creature. In fact, it seems to very much so be in a perfect kind of shape. If you're wanting to color it in, the most to do would be outline it and then go to your coloring. But never fret with time, you're one of those that doesn't give up no matter how long the race will seem to be run. So try anything that anyone tells you, see what you can come up with in a final product. Who knows, but as of now this will surely make more than a stupendous avatar for the last.fm group as you had felt.
Seriously though, nice job shaping the eyes. Usually many make the dome itself out of proportion, yet that area seems to fit very cleverly. As well as the hands and the fingers, the majority have issues merely putting those down to seem to fit into their tone. Yet, once again you got that right on the ball. For, "Not drawing to much" you knew what you were doing this time around. Good job Pinky, seriously, and when it comes to coloring, enjoy it. With a bit of texture to this avatar of yours it is more than likely going to be a high marker. Swirl it up buddy, who knows what you'll come out with in the end. Shade it as well, if that's likely; but all around, the whole outline itself doesn't seem to need any criticism or "remarks". There aren't any issues that remain coherent throughout the frame-work that it shows.
Post by Voshee on Jun 2, 2006 13:36:57 GMT -5
I cant see it very well but what I can see is really cute!
Post by Pyruvate on Jun 2, 2006 14:49:17 GMT -5
Looks awesome. Nice job on it. =D
Post by teh yoshi on Jun 2, 2006 14:54:23 GMT -5
Ah, awesome! Perhaps you should've scanned it smaller, but it's still really cute! I hope you get to color it eventually.
As for the loading scans in Photoshop and coloring them without redrawing it, that's exactly how I do it to achieve that rigid Yoshi's Island style lineart. I'd tell you how and all, but right now, I'm at work, and cannot stay on for long. Another problem is that I haven't done a thing in Photoshop for almost a year now. Try catching me on MSN and hopefully I can remember to tell you how.
Post by Teo on Jun 3, 2006 5:21:18 GMT -5
Paper rocks XD
This is a great style yoshi in my opinion... the Paper Mario 2 type if I'm not dozing off and mistaken right?
Well as for thickening up the lines, use a sharpie over everything... that oughta do it 8)
Post by Strangie on Jun 3, 2006 10:22:04 GMT -5
"Oh, I can't draw" he says. "It's crap" he says. "MY ART IS TEH SUCK" HE SAYS.
You, sir, PFY, are a fat liar. XD I can't wait to see it on last.fm.
Post by Anjil on Jun 3, 2006 13:24:40 GMT -5
Hey, looks pretty good! You could've resized it, though. As for the coloring without redrawing, there's an excellent tutorial on deviantART for this. You can find it here. It's helped me a whole lot.
Post by anjilfan on Jun 3, 2006 14:25:55 GMT -5
Ah, looks much better now that I can see what it looks like in full view.Woah!That's so awsome yo!