Chapter 4H2Dreamz:muhahaha!!! Now I shall kill you guys by my spell!!
Rad:*whams head on floor* ahh!! I hate this thing on my head!!!!
Ember:*falls asleep*
Red:*falls asleep*
Dark Yoshee:okay break it u.p...*falls asleep*
evil Champ:*falls asleep*
Dreamz:muhaha!! No one will stop you know!
Gordon:shut-up! I will help these powerful guys...
Dreamz:But I thought you were evil!
Gordon:Not anymore..besides I AM Nate....I was seeing how powerful these guys are....
Dreamz:WHAT!? anyways..who is Nate?
Gordon:ME...I also brung my other friends to fight..
Edward and midus:wanna piece of us?
midnight:ha! wanna fight?
YW:Ya! What she said!
PF:heh..I might be a boss of a burger shop but..*pulls sword* I'm also a boss of this...
Yoshiken:me and my love will destroy you!
Anjil:That's right!
Jacobthehero:me and sandwitch is ready for a fight!
AHHH!!!! What the heck??? NOOO!!!! Wait...I have a teleport spell!*dissapers*
Yoshiken:Damn! he's gone!
CJ:What did I miss?
meanwhile at (Nate's or someone elses dream)...Lava yosh:Thank god where is Nate?
Brutel:hes Gordon...
Lava yosh:huh? but wa??Thats not possible!
Brutel:hahaha!!! You killed him too!
Lava yosh:NOOO!! wait...No I didn't!
Brutel:*transforms into dragon* hahaha!!!
Lava yosh:Oh no....