heres a quiz to see how well you think you knoiw me: (And some of you may already know some of these questions so don't go saying if I told you anything)
1: What Is My Favrate Colour?
2: If I could have any hair natural colour what would it be?
3: Whos my alltime favrate pokemon?
4: What kind of legs do you like? A: Plntagreade (Like human feet) B: Digitgrade (like cas and dogs)
5: What do you think I would choose? Good, Evil or Nutreal?
6: What is my favrate japanese movie monster?
7: What is the best Mortal Kombat game?
8: What Colour Eyes do I like best?
9: Who is my favrate My Little Pony? (curent generation relese)
10: What decade of music do I like best?
11: Who are my 2 favrate spiderman vilians?
12: What charicter from Dragon Tales do I like best?
13: what is my kitty cats name?
14: who is my favrate x-men
15: What is my alltime favrate fighting game?
16: Who is my favrate batman? A: Bruce Wayne b: Jean Paul Vally (V1) C: Jean PAul Valey (v2)
17: What version of superman do I like the most?
18: What Spiderman Do I like the best? A: Original B: Scarlet Spider
19: What is my favrate sport?
20: What anime do I like better? A: Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon (American dubed) b: Yu-Gi Oh and Pocket Monsters (ORiginal japanese)
These no prize this is just to see how well your think you know me. Have fun.