Post by Yoshi4ever on Jun 20, 2005 18:59:00 GMT -5
TADS is a free, easy to program text adventure creater. The programing is EXTREMELY simple heres the commands for a quick program that i started (i haven't spent long on it and I'm far from done)
#include <adv.t>
#include <std.t>
#include <adv.t>
#include <gameinfo.t>
#include <std.t>
/* starting location */
startroom: room
sdesc = "Main cave"
ldesc = " A long hallway that runs Northward Exits= North."
north = Northofstartroom
rock: item
sdesc = "Grey Rock"
noun = 'rock'
adjective = 'grey'
location = startroom
Northofstartroom: room
sdesc = " Circular room"
ldesc = "A circular room inside the cave. It's very dark. Exits=South "
south = startroom
north = dungeonentrance
pedestal: surface
sdesc = "Pedestal"
location = Northofstartroom
Sword: item
sdesc = " Sharp Sword"
noun = 'sword'
adjective = 'sharp'
location = pedestal
dotake (actor) =
"You take the sword and brandish it out in front of you, ready to fight evil."
dungeonentrance: room
sdesc = "Dungeon Entrance"
ldesc = "You stumble into a dungeon. The air is damp and it's very humid. There ware Two doors. One to the East and one to the west"
south = Northofstartroom
east = dungeoneast
west = dungeonwest
Statue: surface
sdesc = "Large Statue"
noun = 'statue'
adjective = 'large'
location = dungeonentrance
sheild: item
sdesc = "Silver Sheild"
noun = 'sheild'
adjective = 'silver'
dungeoneast: room
sdesc = "Dragon's Lair"
ldesc = "You enter the room and walk down the hall. Suddenly a dragon jumps out at you and breaths flames on you. You are dead X=! be fair and stop playing i am trying to add a end of game string but am currently unable."
west= dungeonentrance
dungeonwest: room
sdesc = "Dark hallway"
ldesc = "You enter the room and come to a dark hallway. The mist is so thick you can't see you feet."
east= dungeonentrance
note- actually it look simple but it's not. Those so many friggin errors that you have to fix before it lets you play and then theres stilll bugs in game play. It took me about 4 hours to write and edit 200 lines of code and there is still a few bug in gameplay.
(current code)
#include <adv.t>
#include <std.t>
#include <adv.t>
#include <gameinfo.t>
#include <std.t>
/* starting location */
startroom: room
sdesc = "Main cave"
ldesc = " A long hallway that runs Northward Exits= North."
north = Northofstartroom
rock: item
sdesc = "Grey Rock"
noun = 'rock'
adjective = 'grey'
location = startroom
Northofstartroom: room
sdesc = " Circular room"
ldesc = "A circular room inside the cave. It's very dark. Obvious exits are south and north. "
south = startroom
north = dungeonentrance
pedestal: surface
sdesc = "Pedestal"
location = Northofstartroom
sword: item
sdesc = " Sharp Sword"
noun = 'sword'
adjective = 'sharp'
location = pedestal
dotake (actor) =
"You take the sword and brandish it out in front of you, ready to fight evil."
dungeonentrance: room
sdesc = "Dungeon Entrance"
ldesc = "You stumble into a dungeon. The air is damp and it's very humid. There ware Two doors. One to the East and one to the west"
south = Northofstartroom
east = dungeoneast
west = dungeonwest
Statue: surface
sdesc = "Large Statue"
noun = 'statue'
adjective = 'large'
location = dungeonentrance
sheild: item
sdesc = "Silver Sheild"
noun = 'sheild'
adjective = 'silver'
location = Statue
dungeoneast: room
sdesc = "Dragon's Lair"
ldesc =
"You enter the room and walk down the hall. Suddenly a dragon jumps out at you and breaths flames on you. You are dead X=! .";
dungeonwest: room
sdesc = "Dark hallway"
ldesc = "You enter the room and come to a dark hallway. The mist is so thick you can't see you feet. Obvious exits are East and North"
east= dungeonentrance
north= dungeontreasury
torch: item
sdesc = " flaming torch"
noun = 'torch'
adjective = 'flaming'
dungeontreasury: room
sdesc = "Dungeon Treasure Room"
ldesc = "You enter a room that was apparently of great importance."
south = dungeoneast
north = dungeonchamber
pedestal2: surface
sdesc = "Large Pedestal"
noun = 'pedestal'
adjective = 'large'
location = dungeontreasury
Artifact: item
sdesc = "Sacred Artifact"
noun = 'Artifact'
adjective = 'sacred'
location = pedestal2
doTake ( actor ) =
if ( rock.location = pedestal2 )
pass doTake;
"As you lift the Artifact, a volley of poisonous
arrows is shot from the walls! You try to dodge
the arrows, but they take you by surprise! " ;
dungeonchamber: room
sdesc = "Dungeon Chamber"
ldesc =
" There is A long chamber leading to a massive door at the northern end which is ";
if ( dungeonobstacle.isopen )
north = dungeonFinalroom
heavystone: item
sdesc = "Heavy Stone"
noun = 'stone'
adjective = 'heavy'
location = dungeonwest
dungeonobstacle: doorway
sdesc = "Large door"
noun = 'door'
adjective = 'large'
location = dungeonchamber
dungeonFinalroom: room
sdesc = "Dungeon Boss Room"
ldesc =
"You enter a hot room that has a Dragon snake in the middle";
if ( sword.locationisactor )
"You slash at the snake with your sword. It cries out and dies";
"The snake charges at you. With nothing to defend yourself there is no hope. It swallows you in one bite";
Pedestal3: surface
sdesc = " Dungeon Petestal"
noun = 'petestal'
adjective = 'dungeon'
location = dungeonchamber
TADS is a free, easy to program text adventure creater. The programing is EXTREMELY simple heres the commands for a quick program that i started (i haven't spent long on it and I'm far from done)
#include <adv.t>
#include <std.t>
#include <adv.t>
#include <gameinfo.t>
#include <std.t>
/* starting location */
startroom: room
sdesc = "Main cave"
ldesc = " A long hallway that runs Northward Exits= North."
north = Northofstartroom
rock: item
sdesc = "Grey Rock"
noun = 'rock'
adjective = 'grey'
location = startroom
Northofstartroom: room
sdesc = " Circular room"
ldesc = "A circular room inside the cave. It's very dark. Exits=South "
south = startroom
north = dungeonentrance
pedestal: surface
sdesc = "Pedestal"
location = Northofstartroom
Sword: item
sdesc = " Sharp Sword"
noun = 'sword'
adjective = 'sharp'
location = pedestal
dotake (actor) =
"You take the sword and brandish it out in front of you, ready to fight evil."
dungeonentrance: room
sdesc = "Dungeon Entrance"
ldesc = "You stumble into a dungeon. The air is damp and it's very humid. There ware Two doors. One to the East and one to the west"
south = Northofstartroom
east = dungeoneast
west = dungeonwest
Statue: surface
sdesc = "Large Statue"
noun = 'statue'
adjective = 'large'
location = dungeonentrance
sheild: item
sdesc = "Silver Sheild"
noun = 'sheild'
adjective = 'silver'
dungeoneast: room
sdesc = "Dragon's Lair"
ldesc = "You enter the room and walk down the hall. Suddenly a dragon jumps out at you and breaths flames on you. You are dead X=! be fair and stop playing i am trying to add a end of game string but am currently unable."
west= dungeonentrance
dungeonwest: room
sdesc = "Dark hallway"
ldesc = "You enter the room and come to a dark hallway. The mist is so thick you can't see you feet."
east= dungeonentrance
note- actually it look simple but it's not. Those so many friggin errors that you have to fix before it lets you play and then theres stilll bugs in game play. It took me about 4 hours to write and edit 200 lines of code and there is still a few bug in gameplay.
(current code)
#include <adv.t>
#include <std.t>
#include <adv.t>
#include <gameinfo.t>
#include <std.t>
/* starting location */
startroom: room
sdesc = "Main cave"
ldesc = " A long hallway that runs Northward Exits= North."
north = Northofstartroom
rock: item
sdesc = "Grey Rock"
noun = 'rock'
adjective = 'grey'
location = startroom
Northofstartroom: room
sdesc = " Circular room"
ldesc = "A circular room inside the cave. It's very dark. Obvious exits are south and north. "
south = startroom
north = dungeonentrance
pedestal: surface
sdesc = "Pedestal"
location = Northofstartroom
sword: item
sdesc = " Sharp Sword"
noun = 'sword'
adjective = 'sharp'
location = pedestal
dotake (actor) =
"You take the sword and brandish it out in front of you, ready to fight evil."
dungeonentrance: room
sdesc = "Dungeon Entrance"
ldesc = "You stumble into a dungeon. The air is damp and it's very humid. There ware Two doors. One to the East and one to the west"
south = Northofstartroom
east = dungeoneast
west = dungeonwest
Statue: surface
sdesc = "Large Statue"
noun = 'statue'
adjective = 'large'
location = dungeonentrance
sheild: item
sdesc = "Silver Sheild"
noun = 'sheild'
adjective = 'silver'
location = Statue
dungeoneast: room
sdesc = "Dragon's Lair"
ldesc =
"You enter the room and walk down the hall. Suddenly a dragon jumps out at you and breaths flames on you. You are dead X=! .";
dungeonwest: room
sdesc = "Dark hallway"
ldesc = "You enter the room and come to a dark hallway. The mist is so thick you can't see you feet. Obvious exits are East and North"
east= dungeonentrance
north= dungeontreasury
torch: item
sdesc = " flaming torch"
noun = 'torch'
adjective = 'flaming'
dungeontreasury: room
sdesc = "Dungeon Treasure Room"
ldesc = "You enter a room that was apparently of great importance."
south = dungeoneast
north = dungeonchamber
pedestal2: surface
sdesc = "Large Pedestal"
noun = 'pedestal'
adjective = 'large'
location = dungeontreasury
Artifact: item
sdesc = "Sacred Artifact"
noun = 'Artifact'
adjective = 'sacred'
location = pedestal2
doTake ( actor ) =
if ( rock.location = pedestal2 )
pass doTake;
"As you lift the Artifact, a volley of poisonous
arrows is shot from the walls! You try to dodge
the arrows, but they take you by surprise! " ;
dungeonchamber: room
sdesc = "Dungeon Chamber"
ldesc =
" There is A long chamber leading to a massive door at the northern end which is ";
if ( dungeonobstacle.isopen )
north = dungeonFinalroom
heavystone: item
sdesc = "Heavy Stone"
noun = 'stone'
adjective = 'heavy'
location = dungeonwest
dungeonobstacle: doorway
sdesc = "Large door"
noun = 'door'
adjective = 'large'
location = dungeonchamber
dungeonFinalroom: room
sdesc = "Dungeon Boss Room"
ldesc =
"You enter a hot room that has a Dragon snake in the middle";
if ( sword.locationisactor )
"You slash at the snake with your sword. It cries out and dies";
"The snake charges at you. With nothing to defend yourself there is no hope. It swallows you in one bite";
Pedestal3: surface
sdesc = " Dungeon Petestal"
noun = 'petestal'
adjective = 'dungeon'
location = dungeonchamber